
Knee pain treatment in Burr Ridge

Also serving Plainfield, Morris and surrounding areas

Dr. David Burt is a renowned orthopaedic surgeon and sports medicine physician, who provides a range of advanced treatments to help men and women who suffer from knee injuries or chronic knee pain. Over the years, Dr. Burt has worked with many patients who experience knee pain, whether from athletic injury, auto accidents, or other strains. He offers a thorough diagnosis process so that he can recommend the treatment that works best for each individual. If you have been suffering from knee pain or have injured your knee, schedule an appointment with Dr. Burt by calling 815-267-8825.

More about Knee Injuries

Your knee joint is one of the most complex joints in the body. Men and women who play sports or lead an active lifestyle are more likely to sustain an injury. Some of the most common knee injuries include:

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury: Changing direction rapidly, slowing down when running, and landing from a jump may cause tears in the ACL. Risks: Skiing, basketball, football, soccer, and many other sports. The majority of injuries are non-contact

Meniscus Tear: When people talk about torn knee cartilage, they are usually referring to the torn meniscus. The meniscus is a tough, rubbery cartilage that acts like a shock absorber. Meniscus may also tear with simple activities such as stepping out of a car, working in the garden, or turning in the kitchen. Risks: Full contact sports such as football or soccer.

Medical Collateral Ligament (MCL) injury: Injuries to the MCL are usually caused by a direct blow to the outside of the knee. Risks: Full contact sports such as football or soccer.

Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) injury: The PCL is often injured when an athlete receives a blow to the front of the knee or makes a simple misstep on the playing field. Risks: Full contact sports such as football or soccer.

Services We Provide in Naperville

A variety of knee surgery treatments and options are available to patients in Naperville, Joliet and Aurora who suffer from knee pain and knee injury, but if you have persistent pain, catching, or swelling in your knee, a procedure known as Arthroscopy may help relieve these problems. This surgical procedure is often performed on an outpatient basis allowing you to return home on the same day. Other procedures Dr. Burt performs, include:

FAQs Knee Injury

What are the Symptoms of a Knee Injury? 

Knee Injury Rehabilitation in Burr Ridge, Plainfield & Morris IL

Knee injuries often limit range of motion, and movements such as walking may exacerbate the pain. 

Knee injury symptoms vary depending on the type and location of the injury.

Anterior or posterior cruciate ligament injuries (ACL and PCL) are typically painful, and the trauma is accompanied by a popping sound, knee-buckling and swelling. Following ACL and PCL injury, people may report that their knee feels unstable with regular activity.

Medial or lateral collateral ligament injuries (MCL and LCL) also cause knee popping, buckling, pain and swelling. The pain from an MCL or LCL injury is often located on either side of the knee and is also commonly accompanied by knee instability. People may experience limited mobility or loss of balance. 

A torn meniscus has similar symptoms to cruciate and collateral ligament injuries, including: 

  • Stiffness and swelling
  • Knee pain
  • Popping heard and felt in the knee 
  • Trouble straightening the knee completely without pain 
  • Sensation of the knee catching, locking or clicking with movement
  • Feeling like the knee will give out 
  • Pain worsens when with squatting, rotation or twisting

When Should I See a Doctor About a Knee Injury? 

Whether your injury occurred while playing a sport or performing an everyday task, untreated knee injuries can significantly affect your daily life. Regular participation in sports is limited, and regular range of motion with walking and stairs may be lacking. It is best to schedule an appointment with our orthopedic surgeon, Dr. David Burt, if you experience knee swelling, limited range of motion or a fever or when symptoms don’t naturally resolve themselves in one to two weeks. Seek treatment to avoid worsening symptoms and long-term damage to the ligaments, tissues and knee joint.

If you cannot stand, sit, walk or sleep without knee pain and typical daily activities seem difficult, see Dr. Burt for an assessment to ensure you are getting necessary medical care and are on the path to a sound recovery. 

Can Knee Injuries Be Prevented?

Knee Injury in Burr Ridge, Plainfield & Morris IL

There are ways to prevent sports-related knee injuries, and appropriate training for mobility, strength and agility may significantly reduce the risk of injury and keep you in the game. Researchers have explored the best knee injury prevention strategies and published their findings in the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, which included: 

  • Implementing a combination of injury prevention training programs, including dynamic stretches, strength training, core strength exercises, running drills and plyometrics.
  • Consistent completion of these training regimens, exercises and drills for at least 20 minutes, several times a week. 
  • Prevention programs, which work best when started before the sports in season and continue for their duration. 
  • Athletes ages 12 to 25 (particularly females under 18) can benefit the most from these programs, but the exercises may offer advantages for older athletes as well.
  • Regular assessment and input from the coach, medical team and athlete can also prevent sports-related knee injuries. 

Athletes of any age should increase their activity level slowly and remember to warm up and cool down before and after exercising. 

Unfortunately, some knee injuries can’t be prevented, such as those caused by aging, joint infection or certain diseases like arthritis. 

Will I Need Surgery for My Knee Injury? 

Knee Pain Treatment Burr Ridge IL

Not all knee injuries require surgery. That is entirely dependent on the type and extent of damage to your knee. Some traumas may improve with conservative treatments such as RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) and anti-inflammatory medications. 

Athletes often require surgery to repair torn ligaments or a meniscus tear, to ensure proper healing and to facilitate a seamless return to play. It may be best to surgically repair a torn ACL as soon as possible after the injury to minimize muscle wasting and stiffness, to stabilize the knee and for a faster recovery with surgical outcomes. 

Dr. Burt will evaluate your knee and order the appropriate tests to determine the extent of damage and diagnose your injury. Based on his findings he will develop a customized treatment plan for you that may, depending on the extent of your injury, include surgical repair.

What Are Common Causes of Knee Injuries?

  • Sports and physical activities are a significant cause of knee injuries, especially those that involve sudden changes in direction, jumping, or direct trauma during contact sports like football or hockey.
  • Overuse or repetitive strain often leads to knee injuries, particularly in individuals who engage in activities like running or cycling without adequate rest or stretching.
  • Accidents or falls, such as slipping, tripping, or motor vehicle accidents, can result in severe knee injuries due to twisting or direct impact.
  • Age-related degeneration, including osteoarthritis, causes wear and tear on the knee joint, leading to injuries or chronic pain.
  • Improper technique during exercises or sports, as well as wearing unsupportive footwear, can put unnecessary stress on the knee and lead to injuries.
  • Certain medical conditions, such as inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or bone conditions that weaken the joint, can also increase the risk of knee injuries.

What Role Does Rehabilitation Play in Recovery from a Knee Injury?

  • Rehabilitation helps restore strength and mobility to the injured knee through targeted exercises designed to rebuild muscle and improve joint flexibility.
  • Reducing pain and swelling is an important aspect of rehabilitation, often achieved through physical therapy techniques such as massage, ultrasound therapy, and the use of ice or compression.
  • Rehabilitation focuses on improving stability by incorporating balance and proprioception exercises, which help the joint regain its natural support and function.
  • A major goal of rehabilitation is to prevent re-injury by gradually increasing activity levels and teaching proper movement patterns or techniques.
  • Overall recovery is enhanced by a personalized rehabilitation program that considers the type and severity of the injury, ensuring the treatment plan meets the patient’s specific needs.

Can Knee Injuries Heal on Their Own?

  • Minor injuries, such as mild sprains or strains, often heal on their own with proper care, including the RICE protocol (rest, ice, compression, elevation), over-the-counter pain medications, and temporary use of braces or supports.
  • Moderate to severe injuries, such as ligament tears, meniscus tears, or fractures, usually require professional treatment, which may include physical therapy, bracing, or surgical intervention to repair the damage.
  • The ability of the knee to heal is also influenced by factors such as the timeliness of the diagnosis, adherence to treatment recommendations, and the overall health of the patient.
  • Delayed or inadequate treatment can lead to chronic instability, ongoing pain, or even conditions like arthritis, making it essential to consult a specialist for proper care.

Why Choose Dr. Burt for Knee Injury Treatment?

  • Dr. Burt is board-certified in sports medicine and orthopedics, with extensive training in advanced diagnostic techniques and minimally invasive surgical procedures.
  • He takes a comprehensive approach to patient care, utilizing state-of-the-art imaging technology to ensure accurate diagnoses and creating customized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs.
  • Dr. Burt emphasizes the importance of rehabilitation and collaborates closely with physical therapists to optimize recovery and prevent future injuries.
  • With a proven track record of successful outcomes, Dr. Burt is highly regarded for his expertise in treating athletes and active individuals in the community.
  • Patients value Dr. Burt’s compassionate approach, clear communication, and commitment to providing the highest level of care, ensuring they feel supported throughout their treatment journey.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Knee injuries can be debilitating, making it difficult to perform routine activities comfortably. With advanced care from the professionals at MSMI, you can get back to being your active self again. If you have a knee injury in Naperville or Joliet and are seeking treatment, schedule an appointment with Dr. David Burt today at 815-267-8825.

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